Happy Weekend....
Long time no entry kan....
Buzy as usual with all the work load & packing(s)....
Kan School Holidays....
so getting ready nak p bercuti2...
Ok, nothing much today....
just wanna share about My son LUQH...
...sorang ni ada jer hal..
As many of you know...3 weeks ago dia wakil Wilayah dalam Rugby Tournament di Ipoh....
1 Murid 1 Sukan menang bagus...Mama suka sangat bila anak2 active melibatkan diri dlm pelbagai sukan etc etc...
Rugby ni...mana boleh main ala ala manja gitu....nak x ndak...kena attack, tackle, scrum, kick, etc etc
& dapat Try tuuu kira happening lah......nasib baik kali ni dia dapat "TRY"...oklah berbaloi juga masuk...
Just as a reminder...Parents just kena sabar jelah bila anak balik rumah...
if nasib baik in good shape
if x bernasib baik...
ermmmm adalah mana2 bahagian badan yg terkehel, luka, salah urat dan sebagainyer....
Begitulah story mory yg berlaku pada LuqH - wakil Wilayah katakan....
mana boleh main manja2...
So balik rumah penuhlah badan dengan luka2 di kaki, buku lali bengkak, rahang sakit, gigi retak, tangan sakit, badan sakit....
aduuuuuhhhhhh....semua parts of the body SAKIT...
wakil Wilayah katakan....
Mama pun bawalah pergi jumpa Gp...
Gp pun dah agak...ni mesti baru lepas Rugby match...
Betul pun...
& seperti biasa dapatlah ubat sapu, ubat makan...
& dinasihatkan pergi berurut untuk betulkan mana2 urat yg salah...
Being Mama, dengar cakap Doctor... pun bawalah LuqH pergi berurut..tapi buat Thai Massage jer....kira x kuat mana...
Selepas mengurut dua tiga hari hilanglah sakit badan & kaki....
tetapi...lepas tu sakit datang balik...terutama bahagian buku lali...sampai nak solat pun sakit sangat2...Mama kesian tengok anak... bawa lagi pergi klinik...sama juga ubat2 yg di beri...
urut lagi..sakit balik...pergi klinik semula....
Something's wrong here.....
so Mama bawa jumpa Gp minta GL untuk jumpa specialist....
Sampailah kami di KLCC Twin Towers Medical Centre....
Macam2 test di lakukan atas LuqH..
....kesian anak mama ni...
nasib baik Nurses & Doc semua baik2...
(apart from kena leter jugalah dgn nurses..kenapa baru datang)
The result came out...
X- Ray semua ok alhamdulillah...
xde yg retak atau patah...
Ankle Ligament Torn.....
patutlah sakit sangat....
dah Torn, bawa p berurut lagi Torn...
Apa benda pulak sakit tuuu.....
buat yg tertanya...info below k = )...
Ligaments are bands of fibrous tissue that connect two bones together to increase the stability of a joint.
A torn ligament results in pain, swelling, bruising and an inability to move the joint.
A pulled or torn muscle can be a real challenge to heal..
Ankle sprains do not heal quickly.
They can take several months to allow the patient to feel confident in the strength of the ankle.
When patients begin activity too soon, this can lead to more sprains while the old sprain had not fully healed.
If your child receives a soft tissue injury, commonly known as a sprain or a strain, or a bone injury, the best immediate treatment is easy to remember.....
(Rest, Ice, Compression, & Elevation)
the injury....
Ice - Put an ice pack on the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, 4-8times per day. Use a cold pack, ice bag, or a plastic bag filled with crushed ice that has been wrapped in a towel....
(LuqH case...waktu berlaku di Ipoh...dia malas nak letak..tuuuuu yg bengkak semacam jer...& dah masuk angin...lagilah sakit)
Compression - Compression of an injured ankle, knee, or wrist may help reduce the swelling. These include bandages such as elastic wraps, special boots, air casts and splints. Ask your doctor which one is the best.. (LuqH pun x buat waktu kat Ipoh)
Elevation - Keep the injured area elevated above the level of the heart. Use a pillow to help elevate the injured limb.... (LuqH lagilah x buat)
Get professional treatment if any injury is severe.
A severe injury means having an obvious fracture or dislocation of joint, prolonged swelling, or prolonged or severe pain...
Nilah "RICE" rupanyer.....(ingat yer...maybe berguna nanti.... = )
Physiotherapy is a must...
To prevent further injury,
it is important to begin gentle stretches of your injured ankle...
as soon as approved by your physician...
And this is LuqH doing his Physio....
need to come here for another 4 more sessions....
hopefully his ankle will be ok before we head off on our Winter Vacation.....
kalau x kesian dia kat sana...
Coz will be on foot most of the time there....
(no pak supir untuk hantar kesini kemari...worst case..LuqH duk dlm Hotel jer lah hahahahaha)
Get Well Soon my Son....
No MORE Rugby for the time being....
Bye bye Bangkok...
(VI Rugby players will be going for a friendly match in Bangkok this December...
memang sah LuqH xleh ikut...)
Till my next entry...
Bye for now....
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