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Friday, March 29, 2013


What Causes Dandruff?

Also known as scurf or pityriasis simplex capillitii, dandruff is a common condition affecting the scalp and characterised by flaking of the skin.
As our skin continuously renews itself, outer layers of dead skin on the scalp are continually shed. 
However, when dead skin cells of the scalp shed faster than normal, the result is unsightly white flakes that fall on your shoulders whenever you brush your hair.

What exactly causes the renewal of skin cells to be faster in certain individuals remains unknown.
Stress is said to be one of the culprits.
Other causes include over active oil glands and seborrhoeic dermatitis - an itchy, scaly rash affecting the face and scalp.

There is also evidence suggesting that an overgrowth of Pityrosporum Orbiculare, a yeast that feeds on skin oil, can cause dandruff, which explains why people with oily skin are more prone to the condition.

Wash it away....
There are specially medicated shampoos to treat dandruff in the market, but if you prefer a more cost-effective and chemical free option, try one of the following homemade rinses :

* Make a herbal rinse.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of chopped rosemary leaves. 
Let the infusion sit for a few minutes, then strain.
Use this solution as a rinse once a day.
Discontinue if it irritates your skin and try a different remedy.

* Apply cider vinegar - is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
Mix 1 part water with 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar,
and apply as a rinse after shampooing.

Scalp care inside out...

Dandruff can be reduced or even prevented by supplying your skin with proper nutrients.
Daily taking 1 to 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil, which contains essential fatty acids, seem to help with itchy skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Flaxseed oil may also help with dandruff, but expect to consistently take the supplement for three months or more.

Dandruff is not a serious health issue, and most mild cases respond well to self treatment or over the counter medicated shampoos within two weeks.
Consult a doctor if itchiness and flaking persist, or if you notice red patches, yellowish crusting and thick scaling along your neckline, as there are symstoms of seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Care for Life...
"The greatest wealth is health"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Don't give up...NEVER EVER...

Bangkit dan bangunnya anda daripada kegagalan dan kejatuhan, 
itu petanda anda seorang yang luar biasa.

Anda membuktikan yang anda mampu berjaya dengan kebangkitan dan keazaman yang baru.
perlu diingat....
 Gagal Hanya sukses yang tertunda..

Ambillah masa untuk bermuhasabah memperbaiki diri dan perhalusi  niat dari hari ke hari.

Pesan pada diri,
 acap kali rebah 
bukan petanda anda lemah dan lelah.

Namum ia adalah tangga-tangga usaha yang perlu didaki demi menuju pintu di tangga yang terakhir...

Jangan rebah ketika hampir ke garisan penamat....

Never ever give up...


"Rajinnyer isteri abang masak".... fuhhh terangkat kena puji...

Hi, hello....Assalammualaikum... Just a simple tip Mum wanna share before zzzzzz... Tugas2 sebagai isteri memanng susah dan mencabar... Lain org lain cubaan dan cabaran. Paling stress bab makanan... Memang best masak sendiri untuk hidang kpd keluargaa... Puas rasanya...tapi ada kala masa sangat mencemburui kita... So mum punyer solution is to frozenkan lauk... Ok ker?? Ok jer... Bila kita ada masa kita masak lebih seperti gulai daging, kerutub, sambal, asam pedas, masak hitam etc etc... Lepastu kita masukkan ke dlm bekas dan masuk freezer.. Nak label date & food better untuk ref Kita...@ kita jalan2 terjumpa @ tahu mana yg jual lauk pauk sedap... Bungkuslah satu @ dua...balik rumah freezerlah jawabnyer... Bukan apa, bila2 kita no mood to cook but gotto still cook....just buka freezer & pilih lauk yg ada...masuk microwave or reheatkan semula...dah siap.. Lepastu. Apa susah just tambah jer lauk2 lain ie ikan grg, telur ker, ulam2 an @ sayur2 grg... Sambal bilis, sambal kerang, sambal tumis nasi lemak pun boleh disimpan... Bila nak eat nasi lemak...just tanak nasi & bhn2 sampingan lain jer kita sediakan... Sambalnyer x perlu risau...just reheat jer... Ada lauk pauk yg lagi lama kita simpan lagi sedap..but ada juga lauk yg x tahan lama.... Pandai2 lah adjust...Sesuai juga bagi yg akan bersalin x lama lagi...duk rumah sendiri...ada masa masak satu atau dua @ beberapa hidangan - label & bekukan... Time dlm pantang... Suami @ anak2 boleh reheat...just cook rice & tambah benda2 lain.. C....u dlm pantang pun your family can still eat your cooking... Good idea x? Paling best, bila suami puji...sayang isteri, penat2 pun still makanan terhidang bila waktu makan...bila masa u masak...??? Senyum jer... Just a simple tip to make life easier.. Sharing is caring....